研究方向: 土壤污染与修复、根际界面化学


2007.09-2011.06   河南农业大学/农业资源与环境     学士
2011.09-2018.12   华中农业大学/土壤学             博士
2016.09-2018.09   美国麻省大学阿莫赫斯特分校     联合培养博士生


2023.07--至今        华南师范大学 环境学院/环境研究院 副研究员
2022.04--2023.06  华南师范大学 环境学院/环境研究院 特聘研究员
2019.04--2022.03 华南师范大学 环境学院/环境研究院  博士后  合作导师:李晓敏研究员




8. 广东省农业环境综合治理重点实验室开放基金项目,2023B1212060044,硅调控下稻田土壤碳周转和砷生物转化的机制解析,2023.10.1-2024.09.30 ;主持。
7. 广州市自然科学基金项目,2023A04J0913,水稻根系分泌物对水铁矿转化及其固持镉的机制研究,2023.01-2025.12;主持。
6. 广东省基础与应用基础研究项目-面上项目,2023A1515011948,根系分泌物对稻田土壤团聚体及其有机碳稳定性的影响机制研究,2023.01-2025.12;主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41907103,水稻根系分泌物对根表铁膜固定镉的影响机制研究,2020.01-2022.12;主持;
4. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目子课题,2019B110207002,重金属迁移过程与重金属钝化技术研发,2020.01-2022.12,参加;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,电子穿梭体介导微界面电子转移的调控机制及去除抗生素研究,2021.01-2024.12;;参加;
2. 国家科技支撑计划课题,中南工矿区镉砷镍超标农田安全利用技术集成与示范(2015BAD05B02),2015.01-2019.12;;参加;
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41371470)蓖麻对土壤铜的超富集机理及其影响因素,2014.01-2017.12;;参加;


32. Yang G, Li S, Niu RM, Hu M, Huang GY, Pan DD, Yan SY, Liu TX, Li XM*, Li FB.  (2024) Insights into nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation by Diaphorobacter        caeni LI3Tthrough kinetic, nitrogen isotope fractionation, and genome analyses. Science of the Total Environment 912, 168720. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168720
31. Zhong RL, Pan DD, Huang GY, Yang G, Wang XN, Niu RM, Cai XX, Li XM. (2024) Colloidal fraction on biochar plays a dual role as electron shuttle and adsorbent in controlling arsenic transformation in anoxic paddy soil. Science of The Total Environment. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.4688920.
30. Pan DD, Chen PC, Yang G, Niu RM, Bai Y, Cheng K, Huang GY, Liu TX, Li XM*, Li FB. (2023) Fe(II) oxidation shaped functional genes and bacteria involved in denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium from different paddy soils. Environmental Science & Technology 57 (50), 21156–21167. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c06337
29. Huang GY, Wang XN, Pan DD, Yang G, Zhong RL, Niu RM, Xia BQ, Cheng K, Liu TX, Li XM*. (2023) Cadmium immobilization during nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation by Acidovorax sp. BoFeN1: Contribution of bacterial cells and secondary minerals. Chemical Geology 639, 121729. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121729
28. Lu HS, Yang Y, Huang KY, Huang GY, Hu SW, Pan DD, Liu TX, Li XM*. (2023) Transformation kinetics of exogenous lead in an acidic soil during anoxic-oxic alteration: Important roles of phosphorus and organic matter. Environmental Pollution 335, 122271.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122271

27. Huang GY, Pan DD, Wang ML, Zhong SX, Huang YM, Li FB, Li XM*, Xing BS. (2022) Regulation of iron and cadmium uptake in rice roots by iron(III) oxide nanoparticles: Insights from iron plaque formation, gene expression, and nanoparticle accumulation. Environmental Science: Nano 9 (11), 4093–4103. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2EN00487A
26. Huang GY, Zuverza-Mena N, White JC., Hu HQ, Xing BS*, Dhankher OP*. (2022) Simultaneous exposure of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to CuO and S nanoparticles alleviates toxicity by reducing Cu accumulation and modulating antioxidant response. Science of The Total Environment 839(7):156285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156285 
25. Wu J, Huang GY, Cao XS, Dai Y, Miao L, Hou J*, Xing BS*. (2022). Foliar application of reaction products derived from selenite removal by iron monosulfide for Brassica rapa ssp. Chinensis L. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(22): 16281-16291. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c05790
24. Pan DD, Huang GY, Yi JC, Cui JH, Liu CP, Li FB*, Li XM*. (2022) Foliar application of silica nanoparticles alleviates arsenic accumulation in rice grain: Co-localization of silicon and arsenic in nodes. Environmental Science : Nano 9(4):1271–1281. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EN01132D
23. Yang YQ, Rao XF, Fu QL*, Zhang X, Gao GY, Wan X, Zhu J, Huang GY, Hu HQ*. (2022) The inhibiting effects of organic acids on arsenic immobilization by ferrihydrite: Gallic acid as an example. Chemosphere 299(9):134286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134286

22. Rizwan MS, Imtiaz M, J Z, Yousaf B, Hussain M, Ali L, Ditta A, Ihsan M.Z, Huang GY, Ashraf M, Hu HQ*. (2021) Immobilization of Pb and Cu by organic and inorganic amendments in contaminated soil. Geoderma 385(4):114803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114803
21. 汤家庆, 张绪, 黄国勇, 胡红青. 水分条件对生物炭钝化水稻土铅镉复合污染的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2021, 42 (03): 1185-1190.

20. Huang GY, You JW, Zhou XP, Ren C, Islam MS, Hu HQ*. (2020) Effects of low molecular weight organic acids on Cu accumulation by castor bean and soil enzyme activities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 203(11):110983. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110983 
19. Huang GY, Zhou XP, Guo GG, C R, Rizwan MS, Islam MS, Hu HQ*. (2020) Variations of dissolved organic matter and Cu fractions in rhizosphere soil induced by the root activities of castor bean. Chemosphere 254, 126800. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126800
18. Zhou XP, Wang SL, Liu YG, Huang GY, Yao SY, Hu HQ*. (2020) Coupling phytoremediation efficiency and detoxification to assess the role of P in the Cu tolerant Ricinus communis L. Chemosphere 247, 125965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.125965
17. Hu C*, Hu HQ*, Song MD, Tan J, Huang GY, Zuo JC. (2020) Preparation, characterization, and Cd(II) sorption of/on cysteine-montmorillonite composites synthesized at various pH. Environ Sci Pollut Res 27, 10599–10606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-07550-4
16. Zhou XP, Huang GY, Liang D, Liu YH, Yao SY, Ali U, Hu HQ*. (2020) Influence of nitrogen forms and application rates on the phytoextraction of copper by castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 647–656. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-06768-6
15. Gao RL, Xiang L, Hu HQ, Fu QL*, Zhu J, Liu YH, Huang GY. (2020) High-efficiency removal capacities and quantitative sorption mechanisms of Pb by oxidized rape straw biochars. Science of The Total Environment 699(5):134262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134262
14. Ren C, Qi YB, Huang GY, Yao SY, You JW, Hu HQ*. (2020) Contributions of root cell wall polysaccharides to Cu sequestration in castor (Ricinus communis L.) exposed to different Cu stresses. Journal of Environmental Sciences 88, 209-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.08.012

13. Huang GY, Gao GL, You JW, Zhu J, Fu QL, Hu HQ*. (2019) Oxalic acid activated phosphate rock and bone meal to immobilize Cu and Pb in mine soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 174, 401-407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.02.076
12. Yang YQ, Hu HQ, Fu QL*, Zhu J, Huang GY. (2019) Water management of alternate wetting and drying reduces the accumulation of arsenic in brown rice - as dynamic study from rhizosphere soil to rice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety185, 109711. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109711

11. Zhou J, Hao M, Liu YH, Huang GY, Fu QL, Zhu J, Hu HQ*. (2018) Effects of exogenous sulfur on growth and Cd uptake in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris spp. pekinensis) in Cd-contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 15823–15829. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-1712-0
10. Huang GY, Rizwan MS, Ren C, Guo GG, Fu QL, Zhu J, Hu HQ*. (2018) Influence of phosphorous fertilization on copper phytoextraction and antioxidant defenses in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 115–123. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-8132-9
姚诗源, 郭光光, 周修佩, 任超, 黄国勇, 胡红青. 氮、磷肥对蓖麻吸收积累矿区土壤铜的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2018, 24 (04): 1068-1076.

9. Ren C, You JW, Qi YB, Huang GY, Hu HQ*. (2017) Effects of sulfur on toxicity and bioavailability of Cu for castor (Ricinus communis L.) in Cu-contaminated soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 27476–27483. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-0306-6
8. Huang GY, Jin Y, Zheng J, Kang W, Hu HQ*, Liu YH, Zou T. (2017) Accumulation and distribution of copper in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) callus cultures: in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 128, 177–186.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-016-1097-z
7. Huang GY, Guo GG, Yao SY, Zhang N, Hu HQ*. (2016) Organic acids, amino acids compositions in the root exudates and Cu-accumulation in castor (Ricinus communis L.) Under Cu stress. International Journal of Phytoremediation 18:1, 33-40. https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2015.1058333
6. Huang GY, Su XJ, Rizwan MS, Zhu YF, Hu HQ*. (2016) Chemical immobilization of Pb, Cu, and Cd by phosphate materials and calcium carbonate in contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 16845–16856. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-6885-9
5. Rizwan MS, Imtiaz M, Chhajro MA, Huang GY, Fu QL, Zhu J, Aziz O, Hu HQ*. (2016) Influence of pyrolytic and non-pyrolytic rice and castor straws on the immobilization of Pb and Cu in contaminated soil. Environmental Technology 37:21, 2679-2686. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2016.1158870 
4. Rizwan MS, Imtiaz M, Huang GY, Chhajro MA, Liu YH, Fu QL, Zhu J, Ashraf M, Zafar M, Bashir S, Hu HQ*. (2016) Immobilization of Pb and Cu in polluted soil by superphosphate, multi-walled carbon nanotube, rice straw and its derived biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 15532–15543. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-6695-0
3. Muhammad AC, Muhammad SR, Huang GY, ZhuJ, Kashif AK, Hu HQ.* (2016) Enhanced accumulation of Cd in castor (Ricinus communis L) by soil-applied chelators. International Journal of Phytoremediation18:7, 664-670.  https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2015.1115965
2. 黄国勇, 胡红青, 刘永红, 黄巧云. 根际与非根际土壤铜化学行为的研究进展[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2014, 16 (02): 92-99.
1.黄国勇, 付庆灵, 朱俊, 万田英, 胡红青. 低分子有机酸对土壤中Cu化学形态的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2014, 35 (08): 3091-3095.


《土壤通报》 青年编委


黄国勇. 第2章 重金属钝化修复材料与作用机制.《农田土壤重金属钝化修复技术与实践》付庆灵,胡红青等著. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2023年2月. ISBN 978-7-109-29850-7. (2023)第149509号.

郭光光;姚煜明;赵秀芳;黄国勇;黄锦阶;谢志远;裴建全解丽娟;孙思;王浩宇. 多级雨水径流净化模拟系统, 2021-04-09, 中国,ZL 2020 21702517.2 (专利).
郭光光;孙美美;齐永波;李晓;黄国勇. 生物炭基复合肥及其制备方法, 2019-04-02, 中国CN201910264480.5 (专利).
黄国勇; 王米兰; 李晓敏; 郭光光; 王秋琼. 植物根系分泌物原位收集装置及采用其进行植物根系分泌物收集的方法, 2023-05-16, 中国, ZL 202111592737.3 (专利).
黄国勇; 王米兰; 李晓敏; 郭光光; 王秋琼. 植物根系分泌物原位收集装置, 2022-06-17, 中国, ZL 202123268704.1 (专利).
李晓敏; 黄国勇; 马占萍; 鲁寒莎; 郭心怡. 一种复合重金属钝化剂及其制备方法, 2022.04.15,中国, CN 202210392338.0 (专利).


《稻田土壤镉、砷污染生理阻隔技术规范》DB44/T 2264-2020(2020-12-28发布,2021-03-28实施)起草人:李芳柏、刘传平、李晓敏、郑顺安、郑勇、刘同旭、黄莉敏、方利平、霍迎辉、崔江虎、孙立杰、孙岩、叶挺进、常春英、李慧、王向琴、王斯帆、杨启豪、潘丹丹、黄国勇。